Casa de Chá Boa Nova, Leça da Palmeira (1963)
Igreja de Marco de Canavezes (1996)
Museu de Serralves, Porto (1997)
Pavilhão de Portugal (1998, Lisboa)
Álvaro Joaquim de Melo Siza Vieira (n. 1933) é o mais conceituado e premiado arquiteto contemporâneo português. Nascido em Matosinhos, estudou, entre 1949 e 1955, na Escola Superior de Belas Artes do Porto, onde lecionou, de 1966 a 1969, voltando em 1976 (sempre como professor assistente). Iniciou a sua vida profissional em 1955, tendo trabalhado com Fernando Távora até 1958. Cedo conseguiu desenvolver a sua própria linguagem, embebida não só nas referências modernistas internacionais como também na forte tradição construtiva portuguesa. As suas obras encontram-se por todo o mundo e foi agraciado em 1992 com o Prémio Pritzker da Fundação Hyatt, de Chicago, e, em 2010, pela Universidade Técnica de Lisboa com o grau de Honoris Causa.
Álvaro Joaquim de Melo Siza Vieira (b. 1933) graduated in architecture in 1955, at the former School of Fine Arts from the University of Porto, the current FAUP - Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto. He completed his first built work (four houses in Matosinhos) even before ending his studies in 1954, the same year that he first opened his private practice in Porto. Between 1955 and 1958 he worked with Fernando Távora. Siza Vieira taught at the school from 1966 to 1969, returning in 1976. In addition to his teaching, he has been a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University; the University of Pennsylvania; Los Andes University of Bogota; and the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Most of his best known works are located in his hometown Porto: the Boa Nova Tea House (1963), the Faculty of Architecture (1987–93), and the Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art (1997). Siza's Iberê Camargo Foundation (Porto Alegre) was honoured by the Venice Architecture Biennale with the Golden Lion award in 2002. Siza was conferred the title of Honoris Causa Doctor by several universities and he is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences as well as Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects, the American Institute of Architects, the Académie d'Architecture de France and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Bibl.: e Wikipedia.